Building a framework like Next.js used to be hard. These days are over: with modern tools, such as Vite and its ecosystem, you can build your own Next.js with only hundreds of lines of code.
Don't let a framework dictate your architecture, keep full control, and use any tool and technology you want.
Build internal company frameworks to scale your teams, or enhance your product with a bespoke framework to delight your users, or just keep architectural control.
Build Your Own Framework.
While frameworks like Next.js only take care of the frontend, you can build a framework that includes everything: the server (Express.js, Koa, ...), authentication, API (GraphQL, RPC, ...), ORM (Prisma, MikroORM, ...), logging (e.g. Prometheus), error tracking (Sentry, Bugsnag, ...), emailing (e.g. Mailgun + Nodemailer), deployment (AWS, Cloudflare Workers, ...), etc.
All your framework's users have left to do is: define UI components, and define data models (if your framework has a database).
Give senior employees the power of fully owning the architecture while providing junior employees an all-included framework that takes care of everything.
Keep full control and leverage your company's favorite tools without limitations.
You can then share (some of) your internal frameworks with the world, fostering open source values within your company while stimulating and attracting engineering talent. For example, Facebook's decision to open source and share React with the world has been a strong force within Facebook for engineering excellence and has enabled Facebook to hire highly skilled Software Engineers.
Delight your users with a bespoke framework that deeply integrates with your product.
For example, if you are a headless CMS provider (Sanity, Contentful, Tina, ...), build a CMS on top. Or, if you are a full-stack deployment provider (PlanetScale, Cloudflare D1, Fly, ...), build a little full-stack framework to showcase the capabalities of your deployment platform and for the community to fork. Or, if you are an e-commerce platform, provide a framework like Shopify's Hydrogen.
Build a "Framework as a Product".
Vike is just a website (this website) recommending you to build your own framework.
We recommend following tools.
Vite is a webpack alternative that has first-class support for building frameworks.
In particular, check out Vite's native SSR API which is a low-level and highly flexible API enabling you to build SSR frameworks.
Vite-plugin-ssr also has first-class support for building framworks. It takes care of significantly more things than Vite's native SSR API and enables you to build a framework like Next.js with only hundreds of lines of code.
That said, if you need more flexibility then use Vite's native SSR API instead.
Check out its guide vite-plugin-ssr > Build Your Own Framework.
Easily integrate React 18 SSR streaming advanced capabilities such as server-side
Easily integrate your framework with any deployment provider (Cloudflare Workers, Vercel, ...).